Título: Modelling and validation of near-field Diesel spray CFD simulations based on the Σ -Y model
Autor: Desantes Fernández, José Mª; García Oliver, José María; Pastor, J.M.; Pandal, A.; Naud, B.; Matusik, K.; Duke, D.; Kastengren, A.; Powell, C.; Schmidt, D.P.
Resumen: [EN] Diesel spray modelling still remains a challenge, especially in the dense near-nozzle region. This region is difficult
to experimentally access and also to model due to the complex and rapid liquid and gas interaction. Modelling
approaches based on Lagrangian particle tracking have struggled in this area, while Eulerian modelling has proven
particularly useful. An interesting approach is the single-fluid diffuse interface model known as Σ-Y, based on scale
separation assumptions at high Reynolds and Weber numbers. Liquid dispersion is modelled as turbulent mixing
of a variable density flow. The concept of surface area density is used for representing liquid structures, regardless
of the complexity of the interface.
In this work, an implementation of the Σ-Y model in the OpenFOAM CFD library is applied to simulate the ECN
Spray A in the near nozzle region, using both RANS and LES turbulence modelling. Assessment is performed with
measurements conducted at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). The ultra-smallangle
x-ray scattering (USAXS) technique has been used to measure the interfacial surface area, and x-ray
radiography to measure the fuel dispersion, allowing a direct evaluation of the Σ-Y model predictions.