García-Asenjo Llana, David(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-04-19)
[ES] La larga trayectoria de Rafael Moneo no se puede entender sólo desde su aportación a la disciplina con la construcción de edificios, sino también desde su labor docente, y la producción teórica y crítica a lo largo ...
García-Diego Villarías, Héctor; Villanueva Fernández, María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-04-19)
[EN] La Casa –or in English, the house– that Bernard Rudofsky built on the Spanish Mediterranean coast in 1971 is a valuable case study on the operational possibilities of popular architecture in the practice of this ...
Rubio Garrido, Alberto José(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-04-19)
[EN] During his trip to Sicily, a striking triad influenced Goethe. In the first place, a certain mythological predisposition presides over his descriptions. Second, he includes in his narration digressions about geology, ...
Muñoz Domínguez, José(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-04-19)
[EN] Most of the studies published on the suburban village El Bosque de Béjar (Salamanca) focus on its Renaissance period, when it was created by Duke Francisco de Zúñiga y Sotomayor, leaving in the background the contributions ...
Pérez-Moreno, Lucía C.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-04-19)
[EN] Antonio Fernández Alba’s work of the nineteen-sixties has been described fundamentally as ‘organic’, alluding to its consonances with the architecture of Alvar Aalto. This text examines the reading that Fernández Alba ...