Carabal Montagud, María Angeles; Santamarina Campos, Virginia; Esgueva López, María Victoria; Miguel Molina, Mª del Rosario de(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] This proposal aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of the implementation of
empowerment in the university classroom. Currently, students demand greater
prominence within their own learning. The present methodological ...
[EN] Gamification is one of the most used methodologies in the educational field in
the last years. More Specifically, it has been implanted in primary and
secondary education levels, being reluctant to apply it in higher ...
Carballeira Morado, Javier; Giner Navarro, Juan; Martínez Casas, José; Sonseca Olalla, Agueda; Suñer Martinez, Jose-Luis; Vila Tortosa, María Paloma; Pedrosa Sanchez, Ana Maria; Sahuquillo Navarro, Oscar; Denia Guzmán, Francisco David; Ródenas García, Juan José; Tur Valiente, Manuel; Rupérez Moreno, María José(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] This paper presents some activities developed in the last two years from the
Innovation and Educational Quality Team of the Universitat Politècnica de
València, INTEGRAL, to work and evaluate generic competences in ...
Periago Morant, Juan José(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The teaching of legal subjects is mostly anchored in a traditional methodology that
does not adapt to the profile of the students of their faculties. The use of social
networks and web 2.0 applications is not generally ...
Ramón Fernández, Francisca; Cabedo Mallol, Vicente; Casar Furió, María Emilia; Giménez Chornet, Vicent; Lull Noguera, Cristina; Oltra Gutiérrez, Juan Vicente; Soriano Soto, Mª Desamparados(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] It presents the innovation and results obtained from applying the audiovisual
"The first monday in may" as a resource to improve learning. Through the
visisionado of the same and the answer of a survey we can observe ...