Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem | Kara, Samia![]() |
es_ES | | 2020-03-03T12:46:36Z | | | 2020-03-03T12:46:36Z | | | 2019-03-30 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 1695-2618 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.description.abstract | [EN] Exploiting the free technology empowering services with which Google supplies the educational field, the present paper contributes a Google Education mediated syllabus framework to the field of teaching English as a second/ foreign language. Through a systems approach methodology, the framework addressed the concepts of ‘learner autonomy’ and ‘digital learners’ within the scope of its consecutive blocks: conceptualisation, planning and development. The relevance of this effort is to be seen in terms of bridging the ever-growing gap between the classroom and the digital world of web 2.0 learners; as well as enabling the teachers to contextualise the proposed tool with regard to their syllabi development, renewal and adaptation. | es_ES |
dc.language | Inglés | es_ES |
dc.publisher | Universitat Politècnica de València | es_ES |
dc.relation.ispartof | The EuroCALL Review | es_ES |
dc.rights | Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada (by-nc-nd) | es_ES |
dc.subject | English as second/foreign language | es_ES |
dc.subject | Learner autonomy | es_ES |
dc.subject | Digital learners | es_ES |
dc.subject | Syllabus framework | es_ES |
dc.subject | Google Education | es_ES |
dc.title | Learning autonomy, digital learners and Google Education: a rhizomatic English syllabus framework | es_ES |
dc.type | Artículo | es_ES |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.4995/eurocall.2019.10709 | |
dc.rights.accessRights | Abierto | es_ES |
dc.description.bibliographicCitation | Kara, S. (2019). Learning autonomy, digital learners and Google Education: a rhizomatic English syllabus framework. The EuroCALL Review. 27(1):30-47. | es_ES |
dc.description.accrualMethod | OJS | es_ES |
dc.relation.publisherversion | | es_ES |
dc.description.upvformatpinicio | 30 | es_ES |
dc.description.upvformatpfin | 47 | es_ES |
dc.type.version | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion | es_ES |
dc.description.volume | 27 | es_ES |
dc.description.issue | 1 | es_ES |
dc.relation.pasarela | OJS\10709 | es_ES |
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