Montes Serrano, Carlos; Chias Navarro, Pilar; Urios Mondéjar, David; de la Torre Fornés, Irene(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-12-27)
[EN] Book reviews:
"Savoye as Built: Análisis proyectual de planimetría, estructura, detalles e instalaciones". By Carlos Montes Serrano"Burkina Faso. Arquitectura, cultura y cooperación". By Pilar Chías Navarro"Las ...
López Ulloa, Fabián Santiago; Salcedo Landy, Carlos Andrés; Espinoza Rojas, Anahí Susana; Landy Guamán, Carmen(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-12-27)
[EN] The scarce material cultural heritage of the city of Ambato in the Republic of Ecuador represents a significant pillar in its historical memory and collective identity, which has been diminished by natural disasters ...
Moya-Muñoz, Jorge; Angulo-Fornos, Roque; González-Serrano, Ana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-12-27)
[EN] In most of the cultivated areas in the province of Almería that originated in the Middle Ages, the main production unit for growing food for the local population is the water mill. Outstanding among them, for both its ...
Cervero Sánchez, Noelia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-12-27)
[EN] In the 1960s, the architect Fernando Higueras (1930-2008) carried out a series of unbuilt projects in which he combined art, aesthetics and function through the geometric order of the circumference. The continuity in ...
Estepa Rubio, Antonio; Estepa Rubio, Jesús(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-12-27)
[EN] In this article, we present an analytical study based on the metric and proportional evaluation of the formal and volumetric configuration of the Baeza chapel designed by Andrés de Vandelvira for the Benavides family. ...