Título: Proposal for an evaluation model for university academic staff
Autor: Orduña Malea, Enrique; Bautista-Puig, Núria; Pérez-Esparrells, Carmen
Resumen: This report designs and develops an architecture proposal (framework) for the evaluation of university teaching staff in the Spanish university system. The proposal aims to minimize the malpractices detected, adapt to the standards and recommendations from the scientific literature, and include those transversal aspects necessary to assess the impact of the research in the environment in which the evaluation is carried out, without losing sight of the possible extrapolation of the model to any other evaluation environment (departments, institutes, and research centers, etc.). The proposal is also offered as a holistic, flexible, inclusive, and customizable model, with the aim that it can be discussed by different actors: scientific community, the university community, evaluation agencies, government entities, public, private, and non-profit organizations, union and business associations, research staff, evaluation professionals, professionals from the business world, among many other actors. To achieve the main objective of this report, the following specific goals are established: a) compare existing teacher evaluation systems in Spain and implemented by the different evaluation agencies, both national and regional (Autonomous Communities), in order to obtain a general descriptive radiography of the established scales and the indicators used, with the consequent precautions due to the heterogeneity of the different figures analyzed); b) design the architecture of an evaluation model for university teaching staff, especially oriented towards the identification and classification of the different items to be evaluated and their organization (dimensions) and structure (categories, subcategories, facets), without entering into establishing scales, specific scores or professional figures.