Tiwari, Satyam; Sharma, Aniket; Pandey, Prerna; Dongre, Dr. Shilpa; Gupta, Dr. Rajesh(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2025-01-20)
[EN]The battle of intermittent water supply posed a tough challenge by jointly considering a problem related to analysis, design and operation of water distribution networks (WDNs). A methodology is needed which could ...
De Jonge, Laura; De Backer, Lien; Van Kenhove, Elisa(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2025-01-17)
[EN] Today, there is limited information available about actual cold and hot water use in collective student housing. Furthermore, equally little is known about how this water use is distributed throughout the day and how ...
[EN] Water quantity and quality modelling tools are often used to understand the working and operate properly water distribution systems. In this paper, we discuss how to choose flow and pressure constraints at nodes and ...
[EN] Water distribution systems are affected by several uncertainties in multiple stages. This uncertainty makes solving the optimal design and management of WDS a multifaceted problem. Past research has focused only on ...
del Teso March, Roberto; Gómez Sellés, Elena; Estruch-Juan, Elvira; Cabrera Marcet, Enrique(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-08)
[EN] Pressurized water systems are high energy demanders. They must deliver the demanded volume of water at the minimum service pressure. There is currently a marked change in production and energy tariffs, which is causing ...