Título: Análisis, diseño y caracterización de circuitos conversores de polarización en silicio
Autor: Aamer ., Mariam
Resumen: [ES] La sensibilidad a la polarización es uno de los mayores problemas en microfotónica, ya que el estado de la polarización cambia aleatoriamente en la fibra óptica. Esquemas de diversidad en polarización deben ser implementados para evitar un control externo de la polarización, y conseguir un mismo estado de polarización a la entrada del chip.[EN] Polarization sensitivity is a major problem in microphotonics, because the polarization state changes
randomly in optical fibers. So integrated polarization diversity schemes have to be implemented
when using rectangular SOI strip waveguides in order to avoid external polarization control and to
make sure the waveguide is mostly guiding TE polarization. The main building blocks of these
schemes are the polarization splitter and the polarization rotator, objects of our study. The designed
splitter presents a measured extinction ratio higher than 20 dB for both TE and TM polarizations and
output ports 3 and 4 in a wavelength bandwidth higher than 30 nm. The designed polarization
rotator offers an extinction ratio of 12 dB and polarization conversion efficiency up to 94% for both
polarization states.