Título: ATHENA: management plan and ancient theatre network inside mediterranean basin
Autor: Domenech Carbo, Mª Teresa; Juan Vidal, Francisco; Benlloch Castelló, María Ángeles; Fantini, Filippo
Resumen: During Cairns's session held in 2000, UNESCO established the necessity, for the Sites inscribed to the World heritage List, to develop a Management Plan. This document has the aim to assure the efficiency of all the guardianship policies, the valorization, the proper usage of Cultural heritage and promote new connections between the heritage and its territory. The European project ATHENA was born to promote and develop these managerial practices in a new integrated way focused on the usage of the Classical Theatres. Those Ancient architectures are the most suitable typology for the sharing of a cultural, social and economic legacy at Euro-Mediterranean level: by means of common regulation both for usage and conservation