Resumen: In themWater case study prototype #3 it has been used Magentix2 [1, 24, 3, 22, 4, 17] (for
more details on Magentix2 see WP7 Deliverables) as the MAS platform for supporting
the execution of the MAS system. The platform follows the FIPA standards [14] offering
a set of useful mechanisms for the agents to communicate and also tools to allow programming
agents in a high level language based on the BDI model. Magentix2 is an open
system which facilitates the interaction between heterogeneous agents through FIPA-ACL
messages. Also complex interactions can be carried out in a flexible an open way as conversations.
The platform offers special structures to allow to use such conversations by
considering a set of issues:
In each conversation there are always two roles involved: Initiator and Participant.
The first is the one who initiates the conversation, and the rest of agents play the
Participant role.
The conversation can be seen as a direct graph where nodes represent the actions to
perform in each step of the conversation and arcs represent the transition between
such states.
Those steps allow to perform some actions and they can be of different kinds, for
example: Begin, Final, Wait, Send, Receive, Action, etc.
Conversations have a unique identifier that allows to manage them individually.