[EN] This paper addresses the development of a methodological process and sustainable architectural design through the exchange of information between construction models created using the BIM methodology and the most ...
Colmenares Uribe, Andrea Paola; Díaz Fuentes, Carmen Xiomara; Díaz Umaña, Yannette(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-04-30)
[EN] Understanding the thermal performance of architectural enclosures is fundamental due to its environmental, economic, social, and political implications worldwide. This study investigates the impact of roof geometry ...
Sánchez-Holguín, Victoria(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-04-30)
[EN] The Colombian State undertook the construction of a significant number of houses in rural areas between 1939 and 1956 through the Instituto de Crédito Territorial. The rural housing program required abundant resources ...
Guimaraens-Igual, Guillermo; Navalón Martínez, Virginia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-04-30)
[EN] A large part of the territory of what is today recognized as emptied Spain coincides with historical boundaries characterized by successive and diverse cultural, social or economic phenomena that have contributed to ...
Pascual Rubio, Ana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-04-30)
[EN] Alejandro de la Sota is a key figure in 20th-century Spanish architecture. Within his professional career, the result of a tenacious personal search, we can glimpse a decisive factor, the transfer of knowledge from ...