Palma Crespo, M.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29)
[EN] The article analyses the restoration conducted in the castle of the fortress of La Guardia. The original Moorish structure had suffered successive transformations in Christian and Renaissance times, in which it changed ...
Alejandre Sánchez, F. J.; Núñez Guerrero, C.; Díaz Ramos, S.; Pérez-Malumbres Landa, A.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29)
[EN] Few examples remain of artistic Andalusi decoration in the form of painted plinths in residential settings. Several technological issues have arisen when noting potential connections in an attempt to contextualize the ...
Ordieres Díez, I.; Lara García, J.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29)
[EN] After the restitution of the Generalife to the Spanish State in 1921, Benigno de la Vega Inclán (1858-1942) the Marquis de la Vega-Inclán organized a board of trustees independent from that of the Alhambra to open the ...
Esposito, D.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-29)
[EN] The paper aims to remember the scientific and human contributions of Giovanni Carbonara. He was a professor emeritus of Restoration, and the director of the School of Specialisation in Restoration of Monuments (now, ...
Royo Naranjo, Lourdes(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-12-23)
[EN] The mural paintings of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guaditoca in Guadalcanal constitute a paradigmatic example of Andalusian mural painting from the end of the 18th century. In the subsequent article, we propose an ...