Palomares Figueres, María Teresa(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-19)
[EN] The international organisation DoCoMoMo, founded in 1988 in Holland by the architects Hubert-Jan Henket and Wessel de Jonge, is renowned worldwide for its guardianship of modern architectural heritage. This article ...
Alejandre Sánchez, Francisco J.; Flores-Alés, Vicente; Soler Núñez, Pilar; León Calzado, José(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-19)
[EN] The Cruz de Cerrajería is a wrought-iron cross forged in 1692 by the master locksmith Sebastián Conde. Its exposure to environmental elements, its structural characteristics and the inappropriate application of ...
Cremnitzer, Jean-Bernard(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-19)
[EN] The aim of this article is to provide a description of the conditions and process which resulted in the recognition and promotion of industrial architecture in France. From the economic crises of the 1970s and 1980s ...
de la Quintana Gordon, José Luis; García de Miguel, José María; Sánchez-Barriga Fernández, Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-19)
[EN] This college, founded by Cardinal Cisneros in 1498, is the heart of the University of Alcalá. Its façade is a National Monument since 1914. Restorations undertaken in the twentieth century allowed to preserve it, but ...
López, José Manuel; Espinar, Antonio Luis(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2004-12-21)
[EN] This restored sample of a Moresque house in the Albaicín quarter is a token thathumble, fragile architecture can also be subjected to sensitive and respectful refurbishment works. The basic premises included a search ...