Título: A Semantics to Generate the Context-sensitive Synchronized Control-Flow Graph (extended)
Autor: Tamarit Muñoz, Salvador; Silva Galiana, Josep Francesc; Llorens Agost, María Luisa; Oliver Villarroya, Francisco Javier
Resumen: The CSP language allows the specification and verification of
complex concurrent systems. Many analyses for CSP exist that have been
successfully applied in different industrial projects. However, the cost of
the analyses performed is usually very high, and sometimes prohibitive,
due to the complexity imposed by the non-deterministic execution order
of processes and to the restrictions imposed on this order by synchronizations. In this work, we define a data structure that allows us to statically
simplify a specification before the analyses. This simplification can dras-
tically reduce the time needed by many CSP analyses. We also introduce
an algorithm able to automatically generate this data structure from a
CSP specification. The algorithm has been proved correct and its implementation for the CSP's animator ProB is publicly available.