Marín Ramos, Rubén(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-25)
[EN] The main objective of this paper is to analyze the role played by the window in three non-fiction films made entirely or mostly with shots taken from a window. These are three paradigmatic examples in which the window ...
García Sánchez, María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-09-29)
[EN] We find ourselves immersed in a context where the equating of artistic research with scientific studies is increasingly evident. This equivalence results in an engulfment of artistic processes by the methods and tools ...
Casares Rivas, Nilo Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-09-29)
[EN] For some time now we have been seeing how in any bar on the peninsula, the slightest disagreement between the conversation partners is settled by unsheathing the little phone, invoking Saint Google and settling the ...
Bernaschina, Diego(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-09-29)
[EN] This essay focuses on the study of representation of climate change in video art and sound art. The research aims to explore the interaction between ecology, technology, and creativity in relation to video installation ...
Bernal Rivas, Gonzalo Enrique(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-09-29)
[EN] This work has been prepared with the intention of reviewing some concepts and background for the project called Handbook to create undisciplined objects of postmedial art, which objective is to favor the production ...