Montalvo, Blanca(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-03-31)
[EN] This article tries to analyze some works that, from different media, focus on the journey and its story. A series of times that are neither linear nor contiguous, which were unified through narration, from the bard ...
Schuch Brunet, Karla(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-03-31)
[EN] This paper proposes a discussion about projections, their different textures and theirs social and political implications. It is a sample of projects carried out in different parts of the world that had the support ...
[EN] Global warming and the impacts on environmental, social and cultural ecosystems have driven a radical change in the way of thinking, producing and circulating knowledge; the focus of the present discussion affects the ...
Serrano González, Eduardo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-29)
[ES] Las sociedades contemporáneas en su continuo proceso de transformación se han convertido en productoras incansables de basura de diferente naturaleza. De entre todo el desperdicio, depositado o amontonado en sus ...