Buzyakova, Raushan Z.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-10-01)
[EN] Let X be a non-paracompact subspace of a linearly ordered topological space. We prove, in particular, that if a Hausdorff topological group G contains closed copies of X and a Hausdorff compactification bX of X then ...
González-Silva, R.A.; Hrusák, M.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-10-01)
[EN] Two different open-point games are studied here, the G-game and the Gp-game, defined for each p ∈ ω∗. We prove that for each p ∈ ω∗, there exists a space in which none of the players of the Gp-game has a winning ...
Das, A.K.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-08-01)
[EN] Generalizations of normality, called (weakly) (functionally) ∆-normal spaces are introduced and their interrelation with some existing notions of normality is studied. ∆-regular spaces are introduced which is a ...
Caterino, Alessandro; Ceppitelli, Rita; Maccarino, Francesca(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-10-01)
[EN] Some theorems concerning the existence of continuous utility functions for closed preorders on submetrizable hemicompact k-spaces are proved. These spaces are precisely the inductive limits of increasing sequences of ...
Boustique, H.; Mikusinski, Piotr; Richardson, Gary(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-10-01)
[EN] Continuous actions of a convergence semigroup are investigated in the category of convergence spaces. Invariance properties of actions as well as properties of a generalized quotient space are presented