Mascaraque Ramírez, Carlos; Para González, Lorena; Para Conesa, Juan Eugenio(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] Students of technical degrees identify the basic need to apply mathematical
concepts in multiple subjects, using mathematical tools to solve problems in
other areas. At this point it has been verified that there is ...
Abia Llera, Luis M.; Calvo Cabrero, M. Paz; Cano Urdiales, Begoña; López Pérez, Paula M.(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] This paper presents the teaching innovation project which has been carried
out on the subject Numerical Methods, belonging to the first year of the
Mathematics Degree. The aim of this project is twofold. On the one ...
Esteve Turrillas, Francesc; Armenta, Sergio; Herrero, José Manuel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] University students of experimental sciences degrees usually go to the
laboratory of practices without having prepared the corresponding activity.
This fact leads to a poor preparation of them translated into an ...
Garzón Roca, Julio; Torrijo Echarri, Francisco Javier; Cobos Campos, Guillermo(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The development of soft skills during the engineering student’s academic life
is becoming more and more important due to the increasing interest of
engineering companies for hiring students that own both good ...
Gómez Pérez, Alonso; Ortiz Pérez, Raúl; Legañoa Ferrá, María De Los Angeles(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The objective of the work was to determine the main transformations
experienced on social responsibility by Chemical Engineering students from
the University of Camagüey (UC), as a result of receiving the influence ...