Jurado Sánchez, Beatriz; de la Asunción-Nadal, Victor; García Carmona, Laura; Pacheco Jerez, Marta; María-Hormigos, Roberto; Sierra Gómez, Tania(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The new scenario of the European Higher Education Area and the increase of
Erasmus student agreements has led to a rise in the number of subjects in
English. All this has resulted in an increase in the participation ...
Zabalza, Ignacio; Peña, Begoña; Zalba, Belén; Marín, José María(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The increasing use of Web 2.0 applications (blogs, YouTube, wikis, etc.) in
higher education is favoring the adoption of new teaching methodologies as
a complement to traditional teaching. This allows greater ...
Acosta Fernández, Cesar Antonio(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The 2030 agend and the SDGs are a common international goal, it is good
that nations abide by them and strive to give them full compliance. Mexico
signed them but apparently there is no multisectoral work, deep ...
San Ruperto Albert, Josep(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] In this paper is presented a teaching-learning project carried out in the
Degree of History at the University of Valencia in which we are combining
the service to the community with academic knowledge. The group ...
Fombuena Borrás, Vicent; Quiles Carrillo, Luis Jesús; Sánchez Nacher, Lourdes; Fenollar Gimeno, Octavio Ángel; García Sanoguera, David(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The main objective of this communication is to share the experience and
appreciation by students of different subjects of degree and master in reference
to different teaching methods including activities as diverse ...