[EN] Service-learning (SL), through a process of action-reflection-action
collaborates in an efficient and practical way to the consolidation of basic and
specific competencies that contribute to a successful life and ...
Vita, Gianluca; Ruiz Bazan, Irene(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] In this communication we present the teaching experience carried out during
the seven editions of the Workshop COrtonaOPend of the Scuola di
Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni of the Polytechnic ...
Mascaraque Ramírez, Carlos; Para González, Lorena; Esteve Pérez, Jerónimo; Gutiérrez Romero, José Enrique; Muñoz Rosas, Juan Francisco; Álvarez Verdejo, Encarnación(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The Project Based Learning (PBA) methodology has been identified as one of
the most suitable for improving the competences of students from different
areas of knowledge and level of studies. This research focuses ...
Solano-Martínez, Concha; Clara Trujillo, Sandra; Guillot Ferriols, María Teresa; Gómez Estrada, Luis; Gómez Ribelles, José Luís(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] This communication summarizes the results of the Erasmus+ project
students immersed in high technology teams" in which european technologybased companies, ...
[EN] Teaching "design for all people" to students of Health Sciences is vital so that in the
future they will be able to "design products and environments that are easy to use for
as many people as possible, without the ...