Obiol i Francés, Sandra; Beltrán Llavador, Jose; Box Varela, Zira; Gabaldón Estevan, Daniel; Hernàndez Dobon, Francesc; Martínez Morales, Ignacio; Martínez Morales, Juan Ramón(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The sociological imagination (Wright Mills, 1993) is fundamental in the
teaching profession. It is not possible to understand individuals’ actions of the
different education agents without knowing their place in the ...
Cabrera Jimenez, Manuel Fernando; Gómez Reyes, Flor Marleny(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] In the current Colombian context where it seeks to generate greater stability
in the territory on a political and social level, after a long period of internal
conflict, a historical opportunity is glimpsed through ...
Segura Maroto, Marina; Maroto Álvarez, Mª Concepción; Ginestar Peiro, Concepción de María; Navarro Cerdán, José Ramón; Martón Lluch, Isabel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] Emerging technologies and mobile platforms allow the introduction of new
teaching and learning strategies, in particular new ways to implement games
in higher education. Kahoot! is a free platform, which can be used ...
Gutiérrez Praena, Daniel; Rios -Reina, Rocio; Ruiz, Rocio; Talero, Elena; Callejón, Raquel; Callejón, Rocio M; Casas, Marta; de la Haba, Rafael R; García-Miranda, Pablo; Carrascal, Livia; Guzmán-Guillén, Remedios; Sánchez Hidalgo, Marina(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] Escape Rooms are educational resources that are being used by many educators, fostering
elements of collaboration that help in social skills development. In this study, a
multidisciplinary Escape Room has been ...
[EN] In recent years, the way of teaching has evolved with new technological
advances and both teachers and students have been experimenting with new
ways of teaching and learning. Parallel to these advances, new ...