Tihomirova, Kristina; Mezule, Linda(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-05-05)
[EN] It has been observed that huge amount of information received from teachers can create a feeling of overload for students. Selection of modern teaching methods do not always help to solve this issue. To identify the ...
[EN] Transnational teaching collaborations have many advantages, but also create challenges. Many challenges relate to distances between partner countries. The CAGE (cultural, administrative, geographic, economic) framework ...
[EN] This preliminary study has been carried out with the objective of knowing the sensitivity and implication of future primary school teachers regarding the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The questionnaire used was ...
[EN] The growth of competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market is growing due to the development of soft skills. The purpose of this article was to identify the most rational form of practical training for ...
Billong IV, Samuel Ismael; Batchakui, Bernabé; Simo Nono, René; Kouamou, Georges(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-05-26)
[EN] In several training institutions in sub-Saharan Africa today, the competency-based approach to teaching (CBA) has been adopted at the secondary school level. In Cameroon, based on our experience in teaching, we have ...