Apaydin, Marina; Bouri, Christopher(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-20)
[EN] The purpose of this paper is to showcase the unique learning outcomes derived from an innovative course facing disruption from unforeseen political events. In spite of the tense events on the streets surrounding the ...
Franganillo, Jorge; Sánchez, Lydia; García Asensio, M. Ángeles; Marquès, Anna(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-28)
[EN] This paper describes an effective methodological strategy that the Consolidated teaching innovation group in Communication and Audiovisual Media (In-COMAV), composed of a multidisciplinary teaching team, has been ...
[EN] In an era of ubiquitous presence of several formats of technology throughout all areas ofhuman interaction, it seems pertinent to assess the complete spectrum of possible impactssuch technologies may have: not just ...
Mancini, Francesco; Glusac, Tanja(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-05-05)
[EN] Experiential Learning and Integrated Learning Environments in Architecture is a pedagogic project based on action learning (Revans, 1980) that challenges the traditional design studio teaching approach to Architectural/Urban ...
Rosa-Jimenez, Carlos; Ventura-Blanch, Ferrán(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-05-07)
[EN] Virtual reality (VR) has achieved an adequate level of development in education and research in higher education The training in Architecture requires a reflection on the incorporation of new design technologies at ...