Soler Baena, Ana; Iglesias Fernández, Antía(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-02-29)
[EN] The project 'Libro en blanco: Espacios Liminales de la Gráfica Contemporánea (Blank Book: Liminal Spaces of Contemporary Graphics), proposed by the group Dx5, focuses on understanding the complexity of contemporary ...
Aguilar Moreno, Marta(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-02-29)
[EN] The art book as the protagonist of training actions based on inclusive art. The university community offers support to groups in vulnerable situations. Project-based learning methodologies encourage the development ...
Argüelles Ángeles, Víctor(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-02-29)
[EN] This text will analyze the artist book 21,000 princesses (2015), by Ave Barrera and Lola Hörner; work mediated by an artistic and literary process, which stands out for the theme of femicide, treated from a system of ...
Torres Rodriguez, Amanda Graciela(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-02-29)
[EN] This writing revolves around the visual poetry book Fuera de Trabajo by Esteban Valdés, a unique book in the history of Puerto Rico that represents the practice of visual poetry. In a present where the media monopolizes ...
Cogua-Rodríguez, Camilo; Benavent, Rocío(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-01-18)
[EN] Interview with the animator Raimund Krumme in the framework of his exhibition "Intimate Movement" at the Josep Renau Hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in October 2022, about ...