de la Calle, Román(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-01-18)
[ES] Reseña del libro:
Francesc MIRALLES BOFARULL. Rosa Torres. La construcció d un llenguatge. Institució Alfons el Magnànim. Centre Valencià d Estudis i Investigació. València, 2022. Col.lecció Vides d Art , nº 2. ...
Echarte Cosío, María José Ana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-01-18)
[EN] We start with an attempt of multidisciplinarity with the application of Classical Culture to the artistic context that we analyze. We propose an esoteric interpretation. We use a structural method, a signifier, a ...
Ballesteros Álvarez, Sara(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-01-18)
[EN] Musical Performance in Spain is going through certain problems related to the lack of interest on the part of the population and its isolation from the university system. In 1914, a group of intellectuals related to ...
Martínez Moctezuma, Angélica(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-01-18)
[EN] This project is based on the creation of a pro-totype to develop an experimental teaching re-source for children with visual disabilities, accor-ding to its development and research phases. The function and the elements ...
Mascarell-Palau, David; Rodríguez-López, Ramona(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-01-18)
[EN] The interest of the study lies in the need to promote the soundscape concept, and in the promotion of the (SDG) Sustainable Development Goals in the training of future teachers of the Early Childhood Education Degree. ...