Título: One-pot chemo- and photo-enzymatic linear cascade processes
Autor: Carceller-Carceller, Jose Miguel; Arias, Karen S.; Climent Olmedo, María José; Iborra Chornet, Sara; Corma Canós, Avelino
Resumen: [EN] The combination of chemo- and photocatalyses with biocatalysis, which couples the flexible reactivity of the photo- and chemocatalysts with the highly selective and environmentally friendly nature of enzymes in one-pot linear cascades, represents a powerful tool in organic synthesis. However, the combination of photo-, chemo- and biocatalysts in one-pot is challenging because the optimal operating conditions of the involved catalyst types may be rather different, and the different stabilities of catalysts and their mutual deactivation are additional problems often encountered in one-pot cascade processes. This review explores a large number of transformations and approaches adopted for combining enzymes and chemo- and photocatalytic processes in a successful way to achieve valuable chemicals and valorisation of biomass. Moreover, the strategies for solving incompatibility issues in chemo-enzymatic reactions are analysed, introducing recent examples of the application of non-conventional solvents, enzyme-metal hybrid catalysts, and spatial compartmentalization strategies to implement chemo-enzymatic cascade processes.
This review explores linear cascade reactions by combining chemo-, photo- and biocatalysts for organic synthesis and strategies to overcome incompatibility issues.