María, G. A.; Liste, G.; Campo, M.M.; Villarroel, M.; Sañudo, C.; Olleta, J.L.; Alierta, S.(World Rabbit Science. ICTA. UPV, 2010-08-02)
Little is known about the effect that journey duration and position on the vehicle have on the sensory aspects of meat quality in rabbits. In this study, 156 rabbits were transported by road in a commercial truck for 1 h ...
[EN] Two hundred and ten adult rabbits of both sexes and belonging to four breeds: New Zealand White (NZW), Soviet Chinchilla (SC), Local (LC) and crossbred (CB) were used for this experiment. Rabbits were kept individually ...
[EN] The aim of this experiment was to compare the ovary response, the fertilising aptitude and the embryo development of multiparous rabbit does having received during the whole career 0 (control: no injection, group 0), ...
[EN] Three hundred crossbred New Zealand, California, Butterfl y, Dutch, and Satin rabbits, weaned at 30 d and weighing 535±8 g (standard error) were assigned randomly to four treatments: 6, 12, 18 and 24 rabbits/m2 (3, ...
Theau-Clément, M.; Lebas, F.; Boiti, c.; G. Brecchia, G.; Mercier, P.(World Rabbit Science. ICTA. UPV, 2010-08-02)
[EN] The aim of this study was to examine sexual receptivity and productivity of does injected 48 h before insemination with 8 or 25 IU of eCG (groups 8 and 25, respectively) in comparison with a control group (no injection, ...
[EN] Eighty one rabbits were used to study the utilisation of hard wheat by-products on the growth of rabbits from a local Algerian population. At weaning (28 d, 501±99 g), the animals were individually caged and received ...