Blanco Fernández, Juana María; Rodríguez-Miñambres, Paloma(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-12-29)
[ES] En las últimas décadas han proliferado los estudios y propuestas relacionadas con la escritura académica, la escritura para fines específicos y la enseñanza de la lengua asociada a la enseñanza de contenidos curriculares. ...
García Parejo, Isabel; Ahern, Aoife; García Bermejo, Mª Luisa(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-12-29)
[EN] This article describes an overview and results of two teaching innovation projects, Genres and Society I and II (refs. 128 and 112, respectively), developed at the Complutense Univesity School of Education be-tween ...
Blecua Sánchez, Isabel; Sánchez Garrido, Carmen(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-12-29)
[EN] This article presents the response of a group of teachers from a bilingual State Secondary School with an intake of very varied student profiles, to the problems of production and comprehension of texts, which they ...
Pedrosa Lobato, Begoña(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-12-29)
[EN] This paper describes the process of training and collaboration between a primary school in the Basque Country and a group of researchers at Mondragon University in the same region. The purpose of the work together is ...
Whittaker, Rachel; Lövstedt, Ann-Christin(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-12-29)
[EN] This paper presents the motivation, organization, implementation and evaluation of the Comenius multilateral project, Teacher Learning for European Literacy Education (TeL4ELE), taking the perspective of one of the ...