Carabal Montagud, María Angeles; Santamarina Campos, Virginia; Esgueva López, María Victoria; Miguel Molina, Mª del Rosario de(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-09-26)
[EN] The "Flipped Teaching" or "Flipped Classroom" can be given from multiple channels. We usually share the information through institutional channels, in fact PoliformaT, within the UPV, is key in any teaching methodology. ...
González Aurignac, Esther; García Segovia, Purificación; Martínez Monzó, Javier; García Martínez, Gabriel; Pagán Moreno, Mª Jesús(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-09-26)
[EN] The present educational improvement project based on a real professional framework and developed by teams of interdisciplinary students, demonstrates that the use of active learning methodologies stimulate students ...
[EN] In this work we propose the use of different educational gaming strategies as a tool for learning and working the different generic skills competences. These methodologies have been applied in several statistics ...
de Paredes Gallardo, Carla; Aparicio, Lucía; Giménez, Elisa; Escamilla, Cristina(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-09-26)
[EN] This paper presents an opportunity for university students for "experiential learning", with the aim of developing a project aimed at vulnerable children with the aim of a primary prevention tool in school. A transversal ...
[EN] During academic year 2017/2018 the project: “Sun damage protection tent” take place as a Service-Learning Methodology. In this experience, diverse agents are involved, creating an interdisciplinary space in which ...