[EN] Integration of basic and clinical knowledge is essential in the education of medical students.
Therefore, didactic methodology for the promotion of interdisciplinary and cross-curricular
learning between different ...
[EN] The implication of the students in assessment process has grown in Superior Studies through
the use of rubrics. However, the design of the instruments is a complex task and it must be
adapted to the subject with the ...
[EN] Research in Food Sciences is becoming more relevant every day. The world is facing unprecedented
global problems affecting food sustainability and the link between food and health is scientifically
proven. University ...
[EN] During the 2020-2021 academic year, we designed some multimedia material to explain
respiratory auscultation adapted to the first year of the Physiotherapy Degree. To assess
both the subjective and objective impacts, ...
Miguel Molina, Maria Rosario de; Miguel Molina, María Blanca de; Carabal Montagud, María Angeles; Santamarina Campos, Virginia; Catalá Pérez, Daniel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-10-28)
[EN] Creativity stimulates critical thinking because it makes us think about problems differently
and look for new solutions, being a fundamental skill. The objective of this innovation activity
is that our master students ...